Author Archives: The Beerista
Belgian Golden Ale Steamed Mussels

Life has been moving really fast recently and a lot of changes haven take place in the past 6 months. I started a new job, moved to a different part of town with a new roommate, and discovered I love mussels. And I don’t mean just eating them, but also …
Doppelbock Butternut Squash Stew with Lentils and Swiss Chard

Good things are happening in my neck of the woods: the weather has hit 65 degrees for more than two days in a row and winter squash are finally reasonably priced at the store. To celebrate, I decided to take advantage of the squash deals and made myself a big …
Wild Ale Peach Sorbet

It has been far, far too long since I’ve made beer ice cream. It has been far too long since I have made anything with beer and I apologize for that. Since starting my new job in the craft beer industry 2.5 months ago, I have barely had time for messing around …
BAM Fest 2012: Beer, Art, & Music is on it’s way

BAM Fest, held at the 18th Street Art Center in Santa Monica, would easily make my top 5 festivals of 2011. Take fun music, world-class craft breweries sharing special brews, some of the best food trucks in LA and add in a wonderful setting and an awesome crowd and you’ve …
Chocolate Banana Beer Cake w/Banana Beer Cream & Peanut Butter Frosting

Toast with peanut butter and banana is my staple breakfast. I love it. I eat it almost every day, so it was about time that this go-to breakfast of mine provided some inspiration for my next beer confection. When enjoying my first meal of the day recently, I decided that …
A Trip to Belize

You may have noticed that I have not been super active on the blog recently. Life has been a bit more busy than usual due to a hectic job and big life changes in the works. Recently I quit that hectic job and accepted a position in the craft beer …
Sierra Nevada Pale Ale Marinated Salmon

Spending time in the kitchen playing with craft beer has sadly been a rarity for me recently, as I am sure you have noticed. Life has been moving really fast and has left little time to incorporate beer into my food or spend much time doing anything beer related. However, …
An IPA With a Cause: The Hops For Heroes Project

Last year, Fremont Brewing Company and Center of the Universe Brewing Company teamed up to create a collaborative beer that was not only interesting, but for a good cause. They joined forces on the ‘Hops for Heroes’ project and created Homefront IPA, a special beer that is aged on oak …