Author Archives: The Beerista

About The Beerista

Homebrewer and craft beer aficionado. On a journey to explore and create new brews and enjoy some great food with good company along the way.

Belgian Golden Ale Steamed Mussels

Belgian Golden Ale Steamed Mussels

Life has been moving really fast recently and a lot of changes haven take place in the past 6 months. I started a new job, moved to a different part of town with a new roommate, and discovered I love mussels. And I don’t mean just eating them, but also …

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Doppelbock Butternut Squash Stew with Lentils and Swiss Chard

Doppelbock Butternut Squash Stew with Lentils and Swiss Chard

Good things are happening in my neck of the woods: the weather has hit 65 degrees for more than two days in a row and winter squash are finally reasonably priced at the store. To celebrate, I decided to take advantage of the squash deals and made myself a big …

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Wild Ale Peach Sorbet

Wild Ale Peach Sorbet

It has been far, far too long since I’ve made beer ice cream. It has been far too long since I have made anything with beer and I apologize for that.  Since starting my new job in the craft beer industry 2.5 months ago, I have barely had time for messing around …

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BAM Fest 2012: Beer, Art, & Music is on it’s way

BAM Fest 2012: Beer, Art, & Music is on it’s way

BAM Fest, held at the 18th Street Art Center in Santa Monica, would easily make my top 5 festivals of 2011. Take fun music, world-class craft breweries sharing special brews, some of the best food trucks in LA and add in a wonderful setting and an awesome crowd and you’ve …

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Chocolate Banana Beer Cake w/Banana Beer Cream & Peanut Butter Frosting

Chocolate Banana Beer Cake w/Banana Beer Cream & Peanut Butter Frosting

Toast with peanut butter and banana is my staple breakfast. I love it. I eat it almost every day, so it was about time that this go-to breakfast of mine provided some inspiration for my next beer confection. When enjoying my first meal of the day recently, I decided that …

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A Trip to Belize

A Trip to Belize

You may have noticed that I have not been super active on the blog recently. Life has been a bit more busy than usual due to a hectic job and big life changes in the works. Recently I quit that hectic job and accepted a position in the craft beer …

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Sierra Nevada Pale Ale Marinated Salmon

Sierra Nevada Pale Ale Marinated Salmon

Spending time in the kitchen playing with craft beer has sadly been a rarity for me recently, as I am sure you have noticed.  Life has been moving really fast and has left little time to incorporate beer into my food or spend much time doing anything beer related. However, …

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An IPA With a Cause: The Hops For Heroes Project

An IPA With a Cause: The Hops For Heroes Project

Last year, Fremont Brewing Company and Center of the Universe Brewing Company teamed up to create a collaborative beer that was not only interesting, but for a good cause. They joined forces on the ‘Hops for Heroes’ project and created Homefront IPA, a special beer that is aged on oak …

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